Monday, March 26, 2007

Posting Guidelines

Welcome to "The Jennifer Project"... a memorial site for Jennifer Ragland Evans. The premise is simple - if you knew Jenn, and would like to share your memories or stories with everyone else (or, just to be able to go back to read them in the future, should details get a little fuzzy over time) - then this is going to be the place for you to do so...

Here's how it's going to work: Post your thoughts, memories or stories of Jennifer as a comment to me, and I will add them as a new post. What I ask, though, is that you leave an email address or means to contact in the event that there are any questions (Hey, I'm an English Major... I'm going to, by instinct, try to proof everything before I post it...)

Also, I ask that you provide your name, and a reference point for the story/memory... That way I can apply appropriate labels for each post...

Also, if you have pictures that you would like to share, let me know that as well so we can coordinate those items, as well...

Thank you...

1 comment:

Rebamgirl said...
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